Thursday, May 7, 2009

Google Earth

Today we had the opportunity to explore Google Earth. It was fun to play around, and discover all the options available through the site.
I decided to choose a place I was familiar with; my old high school. I mapped out a trail that would be beneficial for new students to walk on, and explore the campus. I marked important places, and gave a description on the bottom of my page. It was fun to look into the idea of actually creating something to help make new students feel welcome at the school.
I would definitely use this site again in the future. I took a little bit of time to find the old orphanage that I worked at in Ethiopia on Google Earth. I could see it being beneficial to set up a similar map for new volunteers to get around areas near the compound. I could follow the map more easily than I had anticipated, especially in such an under-developed area of Addis Ababa.
To say the least... I was very excited to learn more about Google Earth!!

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