Thursday, May 7, 2009

Google "More"

We had an opportunity today to check out Google's "More" section on their site. I had no idea this existed, and I was amazed to see all of the tools readily available. After exploring tools on this site we were to explain and demonstrate what we found to the rest of the class. I found a tool called a "translator". It was not only a standard translator, but also a web-page translator. Meaning that you could enter in a web URL, and choose which language from the list you wanted to translate to, and it would link you to the translated page. We did find that if the computer you are on does not contain characters of the language, it would not work. Another group presented Google Map- this was a really interesting tool. It was similar to Google Earth in the fact that you were looking at a map, but you could move a "little man" onto an area of the map and it would pull a real image (a 3-d picture). It was really interesting to see an image that was not from a top (satellite) view. Once the picture was pulled up, you could move the image around for a 360 degree view.. it was really exciting to see!
I would be able to use so many of these tools in my future classroom. This has been a great opportunity to learn about some of these sites, and have the time and instruction to explore and find more.

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