Thursday, April 23, 2009


Today we used our Apple computers to learn how to run, and create an iMovie. This was a very fun in class assignment. We used a product called; Surf Sunscreen. My partners Michelle and Heidi did a fantastic job of acting out our commercial, while I chose to record. We had a very funny plot, so it was hard not to laugh into the microphone while recording. (We had to tape a few scenes over) We stayed on campus for our recording and were able to create some good scenes. We then downloaded, and edited our recordings back in the lab for a publishing.
I am really enjoying the fact that I am able to explore some of these products like iMovie/photoshop in class. I have never attempted it before because I was definitely intimidated by it all. It has been very helpful to have the opportunity to ask questions about the different programs, and apply it to an actual assignment.

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