Thursday, April 23, 2009


Today we used our Apple computers to learn how to run, and create an iMovie. This was a very fun in class assignment. We used a product called; Surf Sunscreen. My partners Michelle and Heidi did a fantastic job of acting out our commercial, while I chose to record. We had a very funny plot, so it was hard not to laugh into the microphone while recording. (We had to tape a few scenes over) We stayed on campus for our recording and were able to create some good scenes. We then downloaded, and edited our recordings back in the lab for a publishing.
I am really enjoying the fact that I am able to explore some of these products like iMovie/photoshop in class. I have never attempted it before because I was definitely intimidated by it all. It has been very helpful to have the opportunity to ask questions about the different programs, and apply it to an actual assignment.

Week 2

We learned how to use Apple's (Adobe) Photoshop. This was challenging for me since I am not familiar with Apple computers or photoshop. Through instruction and playing around with the different options, I was able to create a photo with the criteria of our assignment included. I used a picture that I took from a zoo in Abilene, TX, of two Giraffes. I also included an online photo of flamingos on a tropical beach, as well my scanned in photo of a butterfly from a brochure in class. I feel like I did a good job with my first attempt. It will be fun to play around with it now that I know some of the basics. Brittany

Thursday, April 9, 2009

First Blog

Web 2.0 Here I Come...

I plan to eventually teach at a Second grade level in Portland, Oregon.

In class today I learned about Web 2.0 and the various programs available to the public that I did not know existed. I particularly enjoyed playing around on the website It was amazing to see the resources that can easily be incorporated into the classroom. I played around with one program in particular that added various frames to existing pictures. I thought that this would be a fun and unique way to display photos in the classroom, or have my students edit their photos and learn about various layouts.
It was also very interesting to watch some of the YouTube videos that explained the concepts, and use of each program. Some of these included; Blogs, Wikis, RSS, Social Bookmarking, and online photos sharing sites. I would definitely like to explore some of these sites more, before designing a lesson to incorporate them into my future classroom. I could see how students could keep an online journal in a blog for an assignment, or for personal use. One student suggested posting pictures online from field trips, or class projects and taking time to review them as a class. These pictures could also be available for parents to also view class activities.It is exciting to see the possibilities that technology can bring to the classroom.