Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ethiopia Website

I had my first attempt at creating a website over the past few weeks. It did not go without its challenges, but I really like my final product. I picked a broad topic, that I could spend weeks or months developing a website for. Overall though I feel my website turned out really nice. I am excited to share it with my friends and family... as well as my peers for the final.
I had a hard time connecting my links, and through some additional help I made them work. I tried to organize my mess into additional folders which ended up voiding my original links... who would have thought!! It worked out in the end though, and it looks great!
I think that I would totally use the tools I learned through creating a website in my own classroom. I would like to create a "class page" that I can update yearly for my parents and students to look on. It was exciting to learn how the whole process works!

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